This is a fast-paced book about two children named Belle and Charlie who are determined to save an old elephant from the slaughterhouse. The two circus children kidnap the animal and begin a dangerous journey, traveling by night across the English countryside to a safari park where they hope to find the elephant a home. The novel becomes more believable and suspenseful as the journey progresses. This novel was turned into a popular television series and the following clip might influence you to give the novel a go:
This blog contains reviews and comments on children's books which I own, have read, and would like to share. I look for books at markets and opportunity shops. They are cleaned up, covered and read. Then I take them to the classroom for students to read. Students can borrow the books at any time. Many books are also from my personal library, especially the Youth Fiction. Students can preview some of them on this blog. Now, I am also on the lookout for great new releases for my grandson Archie.
AH! I've been looking for this for ages. I enjoyed the read as a young teen but couldn't remember the name!