Friday, September 21, 2012

The BFG Film Storybook by Cosgrove Hall Productions

The book which takes the form of a film storybook (bit like a graphic novel) is adapted from Roald  Dahl's book the BFG, and the pictures are from the animated film by Cosgrove Hall Productions. I have just finished reading it with my niece and nephew, Katrina and Vincent, and it is pretty true to the original story. Sophie is kidnapped by the BFG (Big Friendly Giant) and taken back to his cave where she is introduced to the disgusting snozzcumber, the only food available to eat in giant land. Then she has an even nastier introduction to the Bloodbottler and narrowly escapes with her life. The BFG shares his dream hunting and dream distributing practices and together they set about to rid the world of the Bloodbottler and then even bigger and more ferocious Fleshlumpeater. This book would be a good introduction to the original novel by Dahl. Below is the popular whizzpopper scene. Kids just love the whole frobscottle senario.


  1. Hello!

    First of all, thanks for the information. I am trying to buy this book but not the Puffins edition. Could you please tell the editorial of this storybook. I am mostly interested in the illustrations.


  2. I'll have at look when I am at school next week, it is on my classroom bookshelves.
